
is a small, oily fish brimming with health benefits. This silvery fish, typically measuring 15 to 20 cm in length, boasts a rich flavor and impressive nutritional value. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, it contributes to heart, brain, and eye health. It’s also an excellent source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamin D, B12, calcium, and selenium, while being low in calories and saturated fats. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

“Cleaned Pilchards” refers to pilchards prepared specifically for cooking. We have removed the non-edible parts, typically the entrails and the head, for your convenience. Depending on the variety, some pilchards may also be scaled. This saves you time in the kitchen and allows you to enjoy delicious pilchards with minimal preparation. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Anchovies are small fish belonging to the herring order. There’s another name that is more familiar to many – hamsa. There are approximately 15 varieties in total. The body of the fish is long, averaging about 15 cm, and is gray-blue in color. The head is flattened on the sides, and the mouth is disproportionate and wide. But anchovies are much more than flavor bombs; they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Anchovy Fillets
Anchovy fillets are typically salted and then preserved in oil or salt. They have a strong, salty taste and are used to add depth and umami to sauces, dressings, pizzas, and salads. In French cuisine, anchovy fillet is a common ingredient in dishes such as Salade Niçoise and tapenade. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Mackerel is a common fish found in temperate and subtropical waters worldwide. These fish are known for their impressive migrations, traveling in significant schools. Mackerel is appreciated for its taste, boasting a rich and oily flavor. It is also an excellent nutritional choice, as it contains omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and vitamin D. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

The seabream is an iconic fish of European coasts, ranging from the North Sea to the Mediterranean. This medium-sized fish (20-40 cm) inhabits rocky bottoms and underwater meadows, delighting in algae, worms, and crustaceans. Easily recognizable by its oval, compressed body marked with dark vertical stripes, seabream is not only delicious but also a source of B vitamins, including B12, essential for energy and nervous system health. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Largehead Hairtail
The largehead hairtail, also known as belt fish or Trichiurus lepturus, is a species of fish characterized by its elongated and slender body and its large distinctive head. Found in coastal waters worldwide, this fish is highly prized for its tender flesh and mild flavor. The hairtail fish is a source of B vitamins, including B12. It is also rich in phosphorus, important for bone and teeth health, and selenium, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Atlantic Bonito
Atlantic bonito, this fish is built for speed. It has a sleek, streamlined body with a pointed head and a large mouth. Its back is dark blue-green with 5 to 11 diagonal stripes, while its belly is silvery white. They are typically found in schools near the water’s surface, often close to the shore. As a food source, bonito is a good provider of lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for heart and brain health. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, selenium, and phosphorus. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Greater Weever
Trachinus Draco, more commonly known as the Greater Weever, is a venomous benthic and demersal marine fish belonging to the Trachinidae family. It is widespread along the eastern coast of the Atlantic, from Norway to Morocco, extending to the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea, and the Black Sea. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Greater Weever FILlET
A fillet of the greater weever refers to the boneless, skinless portion of flesh obtained from the greater weever fish (Trachinus draco). This fillet is typically prepared by removing the fish bones and skin, resulting in a smooth and tender piece of meat suitable for cooking. The greater weever is a species of venomous fish found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Its flesh is white, firm, and slightly fragrant, making it a popular choice for seafood dishes. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Abadeche Fillet
The abadeche fillet is the white, flaky flesh of an elongated fish called abadeche, related to the eel family. Appreciated for its firm texture and delicate taste, it’s a popular seafood choice. This versatile fish is low in fat and rich in proteins, making it a healthy option. You can grill, pan-sear, roast, or poach your abadeche fillet, or add it to stews and soups. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Cuneated Sole
Also known scientifically as Dicologlossa cuneata, the cuneated sole is a flatfish belonging to the Soleidae family. It is a bottom-dwelling fish found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, where it inhabits sandy or muddy bottoms at depths ranging from 10 to 450 meters. The cuneated sole contains several important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12, selenium, and phosphorus. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we manage to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Trachurus, commonly known as jack mackerel, are marine fish often found in schools in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They possess elongated, oval-shaped bodies with a metallic blue or greenish sheen on their backs, making them easily identifiable. Trachurus play a significant role in commercial fishing due to their abundance and affordable price. Appreciated for their mild, slightly oily taste, they can be grilled, baked, fried, or incorporated into flavorful stews and soups. Through our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we effectively preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Skate wing
Skate wing is a popular seafood appreciated for its delicate taste and firm texture. These flat, diamond-shaped fish pieces have a white or pale pink color. Skate wing is a versatile ingredient that lends itself well to grilling and baking. It is often accompanied by a simple sauce or lemon butter. Beyond its delicious taste, skate wing is a good source of proteins, selenium, and phosphorus, while being low in calories and fats. Through our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we effectively preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.

Whiting roe
Whiting roe , sourced from the roe of this fish, is a prized delicacy known for its subtle salty flavor and creamy texture. Its small, shiny beads offer a delicate balance of salinity, umami, and sweet notes, accompanied by buttery nuances. Versatile in the kitchen, it brings sophistication to dishes such as blinis, pasta, and sushi rolls. Sourced sustainably, it ensures freshness and flavor while supporting responsible management of marine ecosystems. Whiting roe embodies both culinary excellence and environmental consciousness, making it a sought-after choice for discerning consumers. Thanks to our production and freezing process at -40ºC, we are able to preserve this product with all its properties for up to 6 months after its freezing date.
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